


Increase your Facility's Average Length of Stay per Resident

With early detection of health concerns, Zemplee can help residents maintain their standard of health, increasing their average length of stay in assisted living. Zemplee closely monitors vital signs, symptoms of illness, and general behavior.

  • Help residents live-in-place longer, decreasing turnover, and increasing occupancy rates.  
  • Obtain valuable insights into a resident's health trends and patterns.  
  • Facility directors can create tailored care plans for residents. 

Reduce physical contact in case of another emergency

Zemplee’s passive remote monitoring and aging in place solutions combine to create a safe environment for seniors.

 The ability to monitor and keep seniors safe from "afar", with a reduction in the need for physical contact, will prove key in reducing infections during pandemics.

Cost reduction through staffing efficiencies

The ability to remotely monitor the status of seniors will reduce the number of unnecessary visitations thus improving efficiencies and reducing labor costs. Zemplee allows doctors and senior living facilities to optimize staffing levels without affecting the quality of services they provide.

Competitive advantage in attracting new residents 

In future, we will be more selective when choosing a senior living facility for our loved ones. A facility equipped with the Zemplee will be seen as the better choice. Family members are looking for what Zemplee provides - a reduction in the risk from exposure to infections and the ability to monitor their loved ones from afar. 


Respiratory rate

Heart rate

Sleep patterns

Isolation monitoring

Movement detection

Medication tracking

Physicians can use Zemplee for remote patient monitoring.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will adding Zemplee’s Passive Remote Monitoring solution benefit my practice?

Zemplee offers facilities the opportunity to provide an additional layer of care any resident and their families will be attracted to. AI-powered sensors and devices will keep a watchful eye on your residents' overall condition creating the opportunity to intervene BEFORE an episode occurs. Zemplee will keep your residents in the facility and out of the hospital. Expanded, smarter care equals increased revenues and healthier residents. 

What specific patient data is collected?

Zemplee’s unique solution combines the tracking of standardized daily activities with the tracking of certain critical physiological measurements. By marrying the monitoring of BOTH behavioral and physiological health data, Zemplee is able to provide a distinct scan of a patient's overall condition in real-time. Data collected daily is compounded and stored to create an elongated health picture rather than a simple “snapshot”. 

Will it be difficult for a patient/resident to install and setup the Zemplee monitoring solution?

In fact, there is ZERO install and setup effort required from your elderly familiy member. A Zemplee affiliate team member will be dispatched to provide a quick and minimally intrusive installation service. 

How often will residents/patients need to report their personalized health data?

Again, there is ZERO reporting needed. Patients assume normal daily activities while Zemplee’s devices automatically report daily data. 100% passive!

How much will this program cost?

If a patient has Medicare AND one chronic condition, the program can be billed for, resulting in no cost to that patient. If a patient does not have Medicare but still wishes to enjoy 24/7 guardianship provided by Zemplee, they are able to purchase the program directly, for a small monthly payment.

Passive Remote Monitoring requires 20 minutes of clinical oversight, who is authorized to provide review of individual patient/residents daily health data?

Per Medicare guidelines, RPM review may be performed under “general supervision” of the ordering physician; meaning either the ordering physician, their auxiliary clinical staff or ANY on-site medical staff is able to review daily health data. Additionally, if none of these aforementioned options are available due to limited bandwidth or other prohibiting factors, Zemplee is able to offer a helping hand from its in-house team of medical professionals, as an add-on service option. 

Schedule a demo


  • Increased Health Security
  • Improved lifestyle & independence in a protected environment
  • Transparent Care Circle Reporting
  • Lower litigation risks
  • Reduced facility costs
  • Efficient workload distribution
  • Competitive advantage

Zemplee Inc.

16185 Los Gatos Blvd., Ste. 205
Los Gatos, CA 95032





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